When some of the best apps and services in the freedom tech space are free to download and use, it can be easy to use them and forget about supporting the people working behind the scenes on these projects. While there is never any obligation to donate, the survival, growth, and spread of freedom tech depends heavily on funding from users like yourself. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite tools and projects below that accept donations, so if you have some time and some spare Bitcoin, Monero, or fiat consider helping to drive the cause of freedom tech directly.

Don’t have money to spare? Then take a minute and share one of your favorite projects on social media, with friends and family, or see if you can contribute to the project directly in your spare time!

Pro-privacy Organizations

Privacy-preserving services

Mobile Operating Systems and Applications

Desktop Operating Systems




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If you’ve been inspired by content here on freedom.tech and want to connect with like-minded individuals, we’ve created a couple of group chats to do just that. We’ve intentionally chosen privacy-preserving chat platforms for this purpose, so we’ve settled on Signal and SimpleX as the home for our c…

If you have feedback for this post (like a great project that should be listed), have something you'd like to write about on freedom.tech, or simply want to get in touch, you can find all of our contact info here:

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